October 31, 2023

A wicked thing

Beware, for on this eerie All Hallows' Eve, I present to you a spine-chilling mixed-media masterpiece.

In the depths of my sorcerer's lair, I summoned a ghastly creation, beginning with a stencil and the enigmatic grit paste. As it solidified within the shadows, I invoked the spectral powers of Distress shimmer sprays, conjuring a kaleidoscope of haunting hues.

From the void, I crafted a gossamer spider web, imbuing it with the ethereal essence of silver and white pigment ink. With the mystic force of spray glue, I secured the web to its haunted home. Next, I sculpted sinister spiders, cloaking them in the darkness of Distress spray and levitating them above the web with the alchemy of foam tape.

Whispers of ominous sentiments were etched with the spectral glow of white pigment ink, haphazardly snipped by my sorcerer's shears, lending an air of the macabre.

To complete this bewitching tableau, I mounted the panel upon the card's foundation, elevating it with the enchantment of foam tape.

Arm yourself with these arcane tools: White and black cardstock, Whimsy Stamps - Brick pattern stencil, Spider and Webs die set, Stampers Anonymous - Tiny Text Halloween, and Distress Spray.

And now, for a chilling revelation: The very lightning that illuminates the night sky seethes with a heat five times greater than the fiery heart of the sun itself.

Embrace the joyous dance of creation, and embark on a whimsical journey of delightful crafting!


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